An appraisal is a natural part of Bouman Makelaardij's broad range of services. When applying for financing, Dutch lenders require certification from the appraiser. An application for the National Mortgage Guarantee can also only be made with a valuation report from a certified appraiser. Ploni Bouman is authorized to do so.
A real estate valuation report may be required in the context of:
buying a house
a mortgage application
a legacy
fire insurance
Depending on the type of valuation, a number of important aspects are taken into account, such as state of maintenance, functional layout, quality of construction and materials used, rights and obligations, such as ground lease and right of way, location of the house in the immediate vicinity, zoning plan. In addition, a cadastral survey is carried out to see whether the findings in and around the house correspond with the data from the Land Registry.
Would you like to have Ploni Bouman carry out your valuation?
Please contact us.
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(Wacht alleen niet te lang anders heb ik misschien geen plek meer dit jaar.)
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Ploni F. Bouman-de Wolf
NVM Register Makelaar-Taxateur